Software Engineering

We Build Apps That Enhances Your Creativity

Jones 2k Media - Software - Code on Screen
Photo by Ilya Pavlov on Unsplash

Giving Artists tools that will expand their creativity

Our team has developed a series of web software created to assist artists in developing and expanding their creativity. See our applications below.

Dundoc lgoo


Create and Manage Your Game Designs (Document)

Create a working game design document project on Dundoc. Dundoc plans world domination by destroying the way you develop your game design document. Build your ideas from the ground up (by yourself of with your team) and share it with the world!

Jones 2k Media - Software -Dundoc document part

Quickly build a game design document like never before. Collaborate with others or work alone while seamlessly transitioning into developing the actual game.


Manage A Free Online Portoflio Website

Bleidu is a place where professionals such as photographers, artists, designers, aspiring models, architects, animators or creative can create a free online professional portfolio quick, fast and easy.

Jones 2k Media - Software - Bleidu